Bute Street was built as a link between the docks and Cardiff centre.
On the east side was the Bute West Dock and its railway sidings separated by a protective high wall. Trams ran down the middle of what was a wide thoroughfare. The west side of the upper part of the road was largely given over to shops as well as pubs, hotels and boarding houses.
But, towards the Pierhead end offices of coal mining companies, ship owners and shipping agents abound on both sides. James Street and Stuart Street that ran from Bute Street to what was then the canal were both busy with shops and offices too.
In the boom years there was a lot of new building of grand offices and impressive banks. Subsequently many were extended to accommodate ever growing demand.
Central to it all was the Coal Exchange, the trading hub for coal where the first £1m cheque is reputed to have been written.
With the decline in the coal trade, what had been a major commercial area became underused and poorly maintained. Over the years, much ended up being demolished and replaced but other buildings have survived and been converted (or there are plans to convert) to other uses, often residential. Modern developments associated with the Cardiff Bay project have seen the area become busy and vibrant again.
011 0007
Maurice Outfitters - Front of shop in James Street. Mr Colpstein, the owner, with customer. Maurice Outfitters - Blaen y siop yn Stryd James. Mr Colpstein, y perchennog, gyda chwsmer. -
006 0486
Post card of Bute Steet
This early 20th century postcard shows a wide thoroughfare lined with shops and hotels. The wall on the right divides the traffic from the railway tracks serving West Bute Dock.Cerdyn post o Stryd Bute
Mae'r cerdyn post hwn o ddechrau'r 20fed ganrif yn dangos rhodfa eang wedi'i leinio â siopau a gwestai. Mae'r wal ar y dde yn rhannu'r traffig a’r cledrau rheilffordd sy'n gwasanaethu Doc Gorllewinol Bute. -
007 0898
Patterson Butchers - The staff outside the shop in James Street which opened in 1848.
This picture is from 1920.Cigydd Patterson - Y staff y tu allan i'r siop yn Stryd James, a agorwyd ym 1848.
Mae'r llun yma o 1920. -
007 0898
Bute Street - As can be seen in c1910 Bute Street had lots of retail outlets. On the corner of Hannah Street is one of the many hotels - Marquess of Bute (Destroyed by enemy bomb in 1943). Stryd Bute - Fel y gallwch weld, tua 1910 roedd llawer o siopau yn Stryd Bute. Ar gornel Hannah Street mae un o lawer o westai - Marquess of Bute (Dinistriwyd gan fom ym 1943). -
007 0907
A busy James Street - Taken in early 1920's.
Shops and offices lined both sides of the street.Stryd James brysur - Cymerwyd ar ddechrau'r 1920au.
Siopau a swyddfeydd ar ddwy ochr y stryd. -
007 0909
Bute Street with National Union of Seamen office and Cory's Building - home of the shipping business. Stryd Bute gyda swyddfa Undeb Cenedlaethol y Morwyr ac Adeilad Cory - cartref y busnes llongau. -
007 0909
Bute Street - Looking north from close to Pierhead.
Offices and banks lined the street seen here with tram and cars.Stryd Bute - Yn edrych i'r gogledd o bwynt yn agos at y Pierhead.
Roedd swyddfeydd a banciau yn leinio'r stryd, a welir yma gyda thram a cheir. -
011 0007
Coal & Shipping Exchange - Opened in 1888 this was the hub for trade in coal. The first £1m cheque was written here in 1904. Y Gyfnewidfa Lo a Llongau - Wedi’i hagor ym 1888, hon oedd canolbwynt y fasnach lo. Ysgrifennwyd y siec £1m gyntaf yma ym 1904.