Butetown was a culturally diverse community and it’s not surprising that a large variety of religious faiths were represented - Baptist, Catholic, Church-in-Wales, Greek Orthodox, Lutheran, Judaism, Methodist, Muslim, Quaker, Salvation Army – including Welsh language chapels.
Religious tolerance was the order of the day. Indeed, it was not unusual for people to attend various different denominations. This was especially true for children who would join whichever religious festival was being celebrated regardless of their own background. Eid and Christmas were pretty much celebrated by the whole community.
Many of the church and chapel buildings have now disappeared. But two notable exceptions remain.
The little Norwegian Church began life beside Bute West Dock in 1868. It was dismantled in 1987 and rebuilt on its present prominent position alongside the waterfront in 1992.
St Mary the Virgin church with its twin towers on Bute Street was opened in 1842 on land given by the Marquess of Bute who was at the opening. The church continues the thrive as a diverse congregation.
002 2146
Mission to Seamen
By the West Bute Dock Basin. Opened in 1891 with the ground floor housing the Seamen's Institute and reading room. The first floor was a church for seamen of all nations. The building was converted to offices and eventually demolished c1980.Y Genhadaeth i Forwyr
Ger Basn Doc Gorllewinol Bute. Agorwyd yn 1891 gyda'r llawr gwaelod yn gartref i Sefydliad y Morwyr ac ystafell ddarllen. Roedd y llawr cyntaf yn eglwys i forwyr o bob cenedl. Trowyd yr adeilad yn swyddfeydd ac fe'i dymchwelwyd yn y pen draw tua 1980. -
003 1914
St Stephens Church - In Mount Stuart Square. Eglwys St Stephen - Yn Sgwâr Mount Stuart. -
003 1919
Welcome Mission - In their new building in Angelina Street dating from 1972. Y Genhadaeth Groeso - Yn eu hadeilad newydd yn Angelina Street - llun o 1972. -
003 2138
Mission to Seamen - Located beside the Bute West Dock Basin (now Roald Dahl Plass)
As well as the chapel the Mission had a reading room and library. it was opened in 1891 and closed in 1952 when the building was converted to commerial use. Eventually demolished c1980.Y Genhadaeth i Forwyr - Wedi'i lleoli ger Basn Doc Gorllewinol Bute (Roald Dahl Plass erbyn hyn) Yn ogystal â'r capel roedd gan y Genhadaeth ystafell ddarllen a llyfrgell. Fe'i hagorwyd ym 1891 a chaeodd ym 1952 pan drowyd yr adeilad yn un masnachol. Dymchwelwyd yn y pen draw tua 1980. -
007 0898
Greek Orthodox clergy and congregation.
Cyril III, Archbishop of Cyprus at the consecration of the Greek Orthodox Church of St Nicholas in 1919.Clerigwyr a chynulliad Groegaidd Uniongred.
Cyril III, Archesgob Cyprus yng nghysegriad Eglwys Roegaidd Uniongred Sain Nicolas ym 1919. -
007 0909
Gospel Mission Hall, Angelina Street
Photo from the 1930s include Mr Bowyer in Centre of front who was the leading figure for many years.
As part of the Christian mission, food and clothing were provided for the destitute.Neuadd Cenhadaeth yr Efengyl, Angelina Street
Mae'r llun o'r 1930au yn cynnwys Mr Bowyer yn y blaen yn y canol, a oedd yn ffigyr blaenllaw am flynyddoedd lawer. Fel rhan o'r genhadaeth Gristnogol, darparwyd bwyd a dillad ar gyfer yr amddifad. -
007 0909
Clergy and choir - St Mary the Virgin church Clerigwyr a chôr - Eglwys y Forwyn Fair. -
011 0005v112
Peel Street Mosque
The first purpose built mosque in Wales. It was demolished in 1997 and redeveloped on a nearby siteMosg Stryd Peel
Y mosg pwrpasol cyntaf yng Nghymru - cafodd ei adeiladu ym 1947 gan y gymuned Yemenïaidd. Cafodd ei ddymchwel ym 1997 a'i ailddatblygu ar safle gerllaw. -
011 0005
Norwegian Church - Seen here in its original location before dismantling and rebuilding in its current one. Yr Eglwys Norwyaidd - Fe’i gwelir yma yn ei lleoliad gwreiddiol cyn iddi gael ei datgymalu a’i hailadeiladu yn ei lleoliad presennol. -
011 0007
St Mary the Virgin church
Sanctuary of the church which was built in 1843 on land donated by 2nd Marquess of Bute.Eglwys y Forwyn Fair
Noddfa'r eglwys a adeiladwyd ym 1843 ar dir a roddwyd gan 2il Ardalydd Bute. -
011 0005
Bethal Baptist Church was situated in Pomeroy Street down The Docks Eglwys y Bedyddwyr Bethel Roedd wedi’i lleoli yn Stryd Pomeroy yn y Dociau